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RP3310 Series Pleated Polypropylene Filter Cartridges

Use : Fluids in machine tools, Rolling mills, Grinding, Parts washing,Quenching and Bulk transfer Various process water and process fluid.
Content :
RP3310 series filter cartridges are made from pure polypropylene (PP) media with large. Cartridges are free of binder and surfactants.
• Multilayer filter media, graded retention, high dirt hold capacity.
• Superior high temperature resistance and wide chemical compatibility. Maximum operating temperature is 80℃@ 0.2 MPa.
• Filtration efficiency > 99.9%.


Ordering Information

 Filter Media  Pleated Polypropylene 
 Support  Polypropylene
 Diameter  2.7” (69mm)
 Length  13”, 20”, 30”and 40”
Please consult Pureach® sales or local dealers.

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